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Percentage Calculator

For me it's pretty easy to figure out the percentage of a given amount. 10% of 100 is 10, 30% of 500 is 150, and so on. But I struggle to recall the easy formula of asking ... 40 is 25% of what? Well, that one is easy, it's 160 ... but often the numbers don't line up so easily. Give it a shot below:

Enter your base number
is percent of

Another Percentage Calculator

Since I made the other calculator it seems an obvious next step to make another one where you know the full amount but you want to find a percentage of the base amount. This is probably easier for most folks to figure out in their heads but still, lets make the calculator anyway:


Pulling from a list

To finish or really start something else I'm working on I need the ability to randomly pull something from a list of 100 items. I'm going to start with just a few items so I can make sure I have the base understanding:

Pulling from JSON file

In this effort, I took the list of starting careers from Ben Milton's Knave 2e and used AI to convert the list into a JSON file. I know how to build a data set in JSON but didn't want to manually work through 100 different options. I gave AI the parameters and fed it the text. I still had to do some clean up but the net result was still time saved. Below we're using jQuery to pull a random background career, along with that careers items, from the list: